Patronage of the Foundation
Patronage of the Foundation
Council of Family Medicine
Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale (EOC)
Foederatio Medicorum Chirurgicorum Helvetica (FMCH)
Swiss Association of Public Health Administration and Hospital Pharmacists (GSASA)
The hospitals of Switzerland (H+)
Swiss Pharmacists Association (pharmaSuisse)
Swiss Physiotherapy Association (physioswiss)
Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMW/ASSM)
Spitex Switzerland
Swiss Association for Nursing Science
Swiss Conference of Cantonal Directors of Public Health
Swiss Foundation for Patient Protection
Swiss Professional Association of Nursing Specialists
The Foundation Board
The Foundation Board of Patient Safety Switzerland is composed of the delegates of the Patronage of the Foundation.
*Members of the Foundation Board Committee
- Thomas Steffen, MD, President*
- Prof. Dr. phil. II Carla Meyer-Massetti*, Vice President, GSASA
- Prof. Dr. Urs Brügger*, SAMW/ASSM
- Anne-Geneviève Bütikofer*, H+
- Adriana Degiorgi, EOC
- Prof. Michele Genoni, MD, FMCH
- Seraina Grünig*, Swiss Conference of Cantonal Directors of Public Health
- Prof. Dr. Sabine Hahn, Swiss Association for Nursing Science
- Susanne Hochuli, Swiss Foundation for Patient Protection
- Sophie Ley, Swiss Professional Association of Nursing Specialists
- Marc Müller, MD, Council of Family Medicine
- Prof. Dr. pharm. Alice Panchaud Monnat, pharmaSuisse
- Marianne Pfister Wassermann*, Spitex Switzerland
- Mirjam Stauffer, physioswiss
The Scientific Board
The Scientific Board supports the Foundation Board and the management of the Swiss Patient Safety Foundation as an advisory body since its establishment in 2025. The members of the Scientific Board were elected by the Foundation Board and contribute their extensive expertise from various fields to the foundation’s work. The aim is to cover the broadest possible spectrum of perspectives within the healthcare system (specialties, sectors, and national languages, etc.). Up to four additional members will join the Board over the course of 2025.
- Dr phil. II Carla Meyer-Massetti, Vice President of the Swiss Patient Safety Foundation
- Ghita Benzakour, Geneva (process management, clinical trials, dissemination, customer experience)
- Dr med. Alessandro Ceschi, M.Sc., Lugano (patient safety, medication safety)
- Dr Patricia Chocano, Bern (clinical epidemiology)
- Michaël Laurac, M.Sc., Biel/Bienne (digital health, medical device, quality insurance via PROMs, public and patient involvement)
- PD Dr Dr Carl David Mildenberger, Kloten (insurance, ethics)
- Anthony Staines, PhD, Prilly (patient safety, health management)
- Dr Jakob Walbert, Aarau (healthcare system, politics)
- Dr Rafaël Weissbrodt, Sion/Neuchâtel (work and organizational psychology, ergonomics)

Christine Michel
Head of Administration and Finance
+41 43 244 14 87
New committee: Scientific Board
Members wanted!
The Scientific Board will replace the Advisory Board, which was dissolved in 2023, and take up its work in January 2025. It will support the Foundation Board and the Executive Management of the Swiss Patient Safety Foundation as an advisory body.
The language of meetings and communication within the Scientific Board is English.
Further information can be found in the regulations.
Please apply by August 31, 2024 with your CV and a short motivation letter presenting the expertise and experience you will contribute to the committee (in English) by e-mail to Christine Michel.